Thursday, June 26, 2008

Auntie Mar is preggers!!

Hey all, Gavin here. I just want to tell you all how excited I am because my Auntie Marlena is going to have a new friend for me to play with!! I think that my Mommy said something about how their "peanut" and I are going to be the best of friends since she in my Mommy are too! I can't wait to find out who my new friend is! I hope they move close to us soon because my Daddy said I can't ride tri-cycle without crossing the street let alone ride all the way to San Jose! Oh what's an 8 month old to do??

Also my Mommy told me today that my girlfriend Rylee is going to have a brother or sister a few days after Auntie Mar and Uncle Mike!! I can't wait! If it's another girl I'm in big trouble cause I already think Rylee is soooo cute!! The last time I played with Rylee she had a blast pulling my socks off so I bet she'll have fun pulling the socks off of her brother or sister! Congrats Danielle and Brad! Wow I'm surprised I know how to spell Congrats!! I'm so smart:)~

And lastly, I sound so smart don't I :), Mommy and Daddy's great friends Kim and Lucas are going to have their baby girl tomorrow! I haven't met them yet but I hope to soon!! When Mommy and Daddy weren't looking last night, I saw on tv that Southwest is now flying direct to Denver for really cheap!! That means we can fly to meet Lauren Grace and see Lucas and Kim and their pooch Zoey for a good price and spend the rest of our money on TOYS!!!! I can't wait!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Swimming fun with my Crab!

Happy Fathers Day!

Gavin wants to say Happy Fathers Day to all the men in his life~! Oh and look what Uncle Patrick made for us, it's a train set customized for all the important dates in our lives. It even is named the GTM Express after Gavins intitals! Very cool Uncle Patrick!

So much fun in Tahoe!!

We had so much fun in Tahoe on our first official family vacation! We went on nature walks through the marshlands and saw all kinds of birds and fishies in the river! Gavin loved looking at the rushing water just like in his Baby Einstein video! He also discovered his love for random toys like the colander, wooden spoon and Daddy's fav when he was little, the PHONE! We even got to see a horse! As you can tell by the picture he was amazed! It was a great trip and another experience with Gavin:)

Gavin discovered himself in the mirror!

Gavin officailly discovered himself in the mirror this past weekend in Tahoe! It's funny because we always play in front of the mirror at home but since this was different and mirrors were all around him, he realized that it wasn't just another boy he was looking at! He had a blast laughing and touching the mirror! What an angel:)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Like my Baby Leggings?

Like my new hair do??

Gavin....our little guppie:)

So now that Gavin is a regular at the pool, we decided to put him in swimming lessons. After he discovered his love of the pool (and his crab float!) Gavin now thinks he's the coolest kid in the class! He splashes, kicks, and laughs in the pool. He's really trying to show off in front Madison, a little 10 month old girl that's in our Mom's Group! She's a cutie:) His favorite things to do other than splash is to go down the slide and to play with the water rings. Yesterday Gavin got to go completly underwater! Brian had to hold him while they both went under, and Gavin loved it. He thinks he's so cool. Oh wait he is!! Unfortunatly it's been a little on the cool side here lately so we haven't gone in our pool in a while. Maybe this weekend Gavin can show off his new talents to the cats! Here are some pics to enjoy of our swim lessons...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I love my Johnny Jumper!!

Fun in the Pool!

See what Gavin's done for the last month....

Gavin has been keeping us very busy as you can imagine! He is so much fun to have around! Everyday I wake up knowing how lucky we are to have such a good son. He's keeping busy by rolling, sitting & playing as much as he can! He has 2 teeth that he got on his 6 month birthday. What a big boy! We've had a lot of night's and days filled with extra doses of Tylenol and Motrin! But he's doing really well with it all. He laughs all the time especially when he sees Penelope our cat. He could watch her all day and just laugh himself to sleep. It's so cute:) We start swimming lessons tomorrow for the next 2 weeks. Gavin LOVES the pool! He especially loves his crab float. He kicks himself around the pool and laughs at himself. Here are some pics to show you what we've been up too!