Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I love to laugh and eat my green beans!

Gavin's favorite things to do are laugh and sit in his high chair and look around to show off. He has tons of toys to keep him occupied between bites. He has had Squash, Bananas, Oatmeal cereal, Peas, Green beans & Pears. I am making everything organic, or at least everything but the peas because I got mad at my food mill!

Fun in the pool! It's going to be a fun summer!

This summer is going to be so much fun in the Pool! We went swimming in the pool at the hotel and Gavin loved to splash his feet and hands in the water. We are gearing up the back yard and getting the pool ready for Gavin's big debut in our pool. He also is signed up for swimming lessons in June. Should be fun!

First time on the beach!

We had so much fun on the beach! We went to Newport Beach and Gavin got to put his feet in the water and in the sand. He really didn't like it when the cold water came splashing up on his feet! He started crying and was clinging on to Brian. Poor guy! Then the next day we went to Santa Monica and walked down the boardwalk. He had so much fun in the Bjorn watching all the action and crazy beach bums. Then he went in the sand again to play which was a little better for him. Well see maybe next time when he's a little older and can make sand castles!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Trip to L.A. with Mimi and Pepaw!

We had such a fun trip with Mimi and Pepaw Coffman! On Friday we flew down to L.A. and met up for a weekend in the sun. Gavin once again did great on the plane and was so good the whole weekend. He knows he's such a cutie and smiles with everyone as they walk by! On Saturday we went to Newport Beach and put Gavin in the sand and water. He wasn't really a fan of it, but was much better when we went back to the hotel and splashed in the pool. He is going to have a blast this summer in our pool and when he takes his swimming lessons in June. Then when we went out to dinner both nights he was so so good and very happy! He is so fun to be around now. Tomorrow he will be six months old! What a big boy. Oh and this moring he woke up and I noticed that officially he cut his first tooth! He is growing to quickly! Pictures to follow........

Friday, April 4, 2008

Gavin loves his Mommy:)

Fun times with Mommy & Gavin

Well we are having so much fun with Gavin! It's amazing how life with him gets better and better every day. I think it was the 3 month mark and after our trip to Ohio that just changed us all. It's like we went through hell with the traveling and sickness that we both grew closer together and bonded through things that made life better! I swear I can't drive fast enough to pick him up from daycare! It's like if I miss a light I'm so mad b/c it could be seconds more with him. Poor guy he just can't kick this cold and cough. It's been 5 weeks with it and just when we think it's better, the goop comes around again!

The solids have been just OK. We tried the oatmeal cereal and he really wasn't having it too much. Then after 5 days of that we tried pears and he seemed to like them better. So next we are going to try butternut squash. I am making all his food organic and freezing them. Did I ever think in my life that I would be making my son organic foods? NEVER! But I love it so now I just have to get him into really liking the solids!

Next weekend Brian and I go to Ft. Myers, FL to visit our friends Jen and Gutmore. We are so excited! Although I'm sure that it's going to kill us to leave Gavin for a long weekend. He is going to stay at G & G Moore's house while we are gone. Now we both just have to get tans first before we leave! I am so excited about getting a full nights sleep......it's been so long.

That's it for now:)

We'll keep you updated!